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Freddie Mercury confesó en rara entrevista que él no era el líder de Queen

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Freddie Mercury no fue el líder de Queen según una entrevista que dio para un medio de Brasil hace más de 30 años. Freddiemercuryclub divulgó un raro video por su Instagram.

«No soy el líder de la banda y todos dicen que lo soy. Soy el vocalista principal… No es que yo sea un general. Somos cuatro personas igual, cuatro miembros», admitió Freddie Mercury.

Esta fue la respuesta del vocalista principal de Queen antes del concierto del Rock In Rio en 1985. Cuando le preguntaron si tenía una sorpresa para los brasileros en el show, respondió a modo de broma que él es la sorpresa.

Si Freddie Mercury no era el líder de Queen, entonces pudo haberlo sido el guitarrista Brian May que juntos se encargaron la mayor parte de la composición de su música.

Sin embargo, puede ser que las cosas en la banda de rock británica sean como lo dijo el mismo vocalista, todos los músicos tienen voz y voto, aunque uno resalte más que el otro.

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💥Freddie & Gloria Maria💥 . Freddie Next question…(looks into the camera all sassy and gorgeous 🔥😍 ) . Gloria Maria: …as the Leader of the band… . Freddie: I'm not the leader of the band by the way everybody calls me the leader of the band. I'm just the lead singer and…no no no there's no such thing I'm not the general or anything. We're all four equal people, four members and… they seem to call me the leader of the band but I'm just the lead vocalist. 😎 (That's how fumbled the REAL Freddie is) . Gloria: (continuing with the same question in Portuguese) and Freddie just can't help it anymore #cheekpinch 😂❤ . Freddie: (playing along) This time yes I am the leader of the group yes… 😂 . Gloria: Do you have a surprise for the Brazilian people in the Rock in Rio festival? . Freddie: Yes it's me. I AM the surprise. 😏 (of course you are 👊 ) . Gloria: It's possible to do a demonstration? . Freddie: A demonstration? You want a demonstration? Are you mad? Do you want me to give a demonstration? Cone here ill show you…🔥😂🔥 See it's much better in Portuguese. I CAN understand you. No (his special no) because I knew what you said before…😍 . 👉P.S. So yeah that's the REAL Freddie with all his infinite humbleness and respect for his bandmates (as opposed to how they chose to portray him in the movie and in fact supported their "fair portrayal" in further interviews!!! ) and also here you see Freddie's infinite charisma, his sweetness and politeness and of course his ever present loveable sense of humor 😍 I would seriously consider being a dumb reporter so Freddie would do that to me 😩 Every girl's (or boy's) dream ❤😍🔥 . 🎥 Interview by @GloriaMariareal during "Rock in Rio" music festival 1985 . #FreddieMercury #interview

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